Casa Mezcal
Toronto, Ontario
Welcome to the first edition of Whale Pool - The show where Toronto Entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to a panel of local crypto Whales in the hope of securing investment. Will deals be made or will the whales swim away? Tune in to find out!
6:30 - Introduction
7:00 - Round 1
7:15 - Round 2
7:30 - Round 3
8:00 - End
To Be Announced
Whales (Judges)
To Be Announced
Casa Mezcal
2nd Floor
291 King St W
Toronto, ON M5V 1J5
About Bitget
Bitget is a cryptocurrency exchange, founded in 2018, known for its focus on derivatives trading and user-friendly platform. It offers a range of services, including spot trading, futures, and innovative tools like copy trading, which allows users to replicate strategies from experienced traders. With a strong emphasis on security and regulatory compliance, Bitget serves millions of users worldwide. The exchange is committed to bridging centralized and decentralized finance, expanding its offerings to include staking and DeFi services, while providing accessible financial tools in the crypto space.
Hosted by Bitcoin Bay
Casa Mezcal, 291 King St W, Toronto, ON M5V 1J5, CanadaDirections
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